Taking care of the immune system is one of the benefits of antioxidant nutrients, which is why these foods should not be missing in the diet.
Benefits of antioxidant foods
- Foods rich in natural antioxidants protect us against free radicals, which are responsible for the aging process and cell disease.
- Fight against cancer. More and more studies linking a diet rich in antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) and lower levels of cancer.
- Cardiovascular protection since cholesterol becomes really harmful or dangerous when oxidized by free radicals (then tends to engage the walls of the arteries)

Classes of antioxidants and more powerful antioxidant foods of each type
- Carotenoids: Here include the various types of these antioxidants (beta-carotene, lutein, etc.) are abundant in carrots, spinach, apricots, tomatoes, squash or pumpkin, papaya, cantaloupe and broccoli.
- Coenzyme Q-10: Peanuts and soy oil or soy.
- Selenium: nuts, garlic and seeds or sunflower seeds are some of the best known antioxidant foods.
- Vitamin C: To be found in fruits and vegetables. Highlights include cucumber, pepper, papaya, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, oranges, lemons, kiwis and tomatoes.
- Vitamin E: Vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower and corn), nuts, seeds and cereals (wheat germ stands) are the foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E.
- Zinc: Within plant, include pumpkin seeds or pumpkin and dried fruits and cereals.
- Ellagic acid: Açai, Granada, kiwis, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
- Capsaicin: Antioxidant foods that stand out for their contribution in this type of antioxidants are cayenne pepper, peppers, chilies and peppers.
- Catechins: Emphasizes green tea and cocoa.
- Sulfur compounds: Leek, garlic, and onion.
- Hesperidina: The foods rich in these antioxidants include citrus.
- Lycopene tomato is perhaps the most rich in this nutrient.
- Lutein egg yolk has 80%, 60% corn and 20% broccoli. In addition, we can be found in algae, tomatoes, bananas, etc.
- Quercetin: Green tea, grapes, broccoli, onion, red wine and cherries.
- Tannins: Red wine stands out for its great contribution in this type of antioxidants.The grapes consumed with your skin (well washed) also have a high contribution.
- Zeaxanthin: Pumpkins or squashes, goji berries, spinach and corn are the most representative antioxidant foods.
You may also like to read another article on Samathi4Life: The 9 foods to overcome depression
What are some of the most potent antioxidant foods?
Although we’ve talked about many antioxidant foods should be remembered that green tea (also red and white), the Granada, Noni, Açai, the Uva (with its skin and seeds), Goji berries, different Blueberries types (red and blue) and Mangosteen are some of the foods rich in natural antioxidants.
Basic Tips on antioxidant foods in our daily diet
Taking a daily cup of green tea (red, white) or natural coffee (if we are not very nervous) morning. Eat two or three pieces of fruit a day. They are not too green or too ripe (at the point) and try to be fruits of the season.
That we may lack a good mixed salad (germinated añadid) at lunch and dinner. Season your foods with spices such as parsley, turmeric, dill, coriander, ginger or curry as they are very effective and rich flavor antioxidant foods.
If we want to take something sweet remember that, in addition to fruit, a bit of black chocolate (without milk) gives us a good dose of natural antioxidants.
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