Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. About 90% of the cases stem from oral problems: deposits of bacteria and food debris on the tongue, gum infections and dry mouth, mainly. The remaining cases can be caused by diseases of the respiratory system (sinusitis, nasal obstruction, etc.), the digestive system (gastritis, ulcer, etc.), and diabetes and even from kidney or liver.

What can we do if we find bad breath?
First, perform oral hygiene tid and efficiently. This means that in addition to brushing and rinsing with mouthwash, we must clean between the teeth with dental floss and interproximal brushes. Keep in mind that food debris that may remain between the teeth or on the back of the tongue, however small, with the passing of the hours began a metabolic process which results in the overgrowth of bacteria that produce compounds volatile sulfide (CVS) that cause bad breath.
It is also very important to clean the tongue twice a day with a tongue cleaner, a kind of rake or shovel specially designed for it. Another recommended measure is to reduce the consumption of garlic, onions, spicy, high-fat foods and alcohol. It is also advised to drink water between meals. If you still have bad breath, we must visit the dentist so you can diagnose its source.
If the dentist does not find in the mouth the origin of the bad breath, you can send us to our doctor; we could refer to a specialist (endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, etc.) to determine the origin of halitosis.
One problem with great social impact
It is common for people suffering from halitosis are not aware of their problem. In those cases themselves are aware, patients often worry them more social impact that might cause the significance for their health. When the psychological implication is very high professional, social and personal relationships are affected. In short, self-esteem is affected and can lead to psychosocial problems such the emotional suffering it causes.
Should we tell someone they have bad breath?
You have probably ever had a family member, friend or co-worker whose breath gives off an unpleasant odor. Because of the sensitivity of the subject we tend to remain silent, however, if that friend we care, we convey our appreciation. Usually people in this situation thanks be warned, because over time may have been used to the odor of your mouth and not perceive, with consequent damage to their self-image, apart from causing damage their cause in our oral health.
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