Male Pattern Baldness – Causes and Treatment Options

Estimated read time 2 min read

Male pattern baldness, or alopecia, is the leading cause of baldness in men. This is down to several factors, and they include the following: genetics, hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy, stress and ageing. Common symptoms: Although not everyone will start to notice these symptoms, many men will notice a loss of hair in the crown area and a receding hair line. If you’ve noticed any of these changes then you should speak to your doctor.

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Most Common Reason for Male Pattern Baldness: Male pattern baldness, also known as male-pattern baldness, is caused by hormones. It’s caused by faulty genes you receive from your mother. Scientists believe the faulty gene might be related to how sensitive your scalp is to a certain hormone called DHT, makes them shrink. This can lead to male baldness or alopecia because the hair follicle has been weakened over time. One way of assessing your likelihood of premature balding is to look at your father and grandfather and see what happened to the quality, thickness and strength of their hair as they aged.

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Treatments for male pattern baldness vary and in some cases this will include medication and in others the man or woman will seek to correct the appearance of the hair loss by using treatments such as Scalp Micropigmentation that you can have completed by professionals such as those at  His Hair Clinic.


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