Both onions and grapefruit have significant diuretic properties, which will help us to lose that excess liquid. We can enhance their effect with exercise to promote sweating.
Eliminates liquids with this simple diuretic cure based grapefruit and onion two medical foods with amazing health properties.
Discover in this article how to do, and what you bring these two ingredients if we use daily for a month.

Removes fluids from day one
The cleansing cures that we propose in this article are aimed at facilitating the elimination of fluids that build up in the body and will cause swelling and heaviness.
If you continue as you indicated, from the first day you will notice how your body increases the amount of urine and feel lighter and active.
To do it only you need two main ingredients: grapefruit and onion. In addition, we also have to drink lots of water throughout the day, without food, to facilitate this purification.
A more effective way to do this therapy is to facilitate sweating through sport or sauna.
Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a bitter taste that is included in many diets for its satiating power and diuretic, as well as their virtues to regulate insulin levels, which are related to the accumulation of fat in certain parts of body.
Grapefruit extracts are made even (with seed, which has potent antiseptic activity).
For this cure must use organic grapefruit to ensure that its peeling will be free of pesticides, waxes and any substance that could interfere with debugging.
The onion
Onions are a rich medicinal food in minerals like magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, silicon and sulfur.
It also contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as alliin and allicin components, which are also found in garlic and are what give many benefits.
The onion is a vegetable that favors the elimination of liquids thanks to its potassium content, glycolic acid, caffeic acid, flavonoids and essential oils.
These nutrients fight fluid retention and waste substances that accumulate in our body.
In addition, it is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic and helps us to improve respiratory and cardiovascular function.
What is the cure?
For this cure we will need the following ingredients, every day, for a month:
- 1 with its peeling grapefruit ecological
- Stevia, if we sweeten grapefruit juice
- 1 medium onion
- Seawater, if we want a little salt broth
How do we make?
Every morning prepare a natural grapefruit juice in the following way:
- We will beat for one minute grapefruit pulp with a little water and a piece of fruit peel (no more than one quarter). The colaremos. We can sweeten with a little stevia.
- We will take this drink on an empty stomach and wait half an hour before breakfast.
In the afternoon we will prepare a broth with a medium onion as follows:
- We will split the onion and the will to cook with two glasses of water (400 ml) for half an hour.
- We’ll let cool, colaremos and we will drink it in the afternoon, separated from the snack and dinner. We can add a little water if we take sea salt.
- The leftover onion can be used for stews, omelets, creamed vegetables, etc.
The broth can leave it ready for two or three days, with the corresponding onions. However, grapefruit juice should always prepare at the time. In addition, in Samathi4Life we recommend you to read another natural way to lose weight with freshly squeezed orange juice and stay healthy.
Other tips
Removes fluids quickly and effectively by following these tips:
- Remove table salt and consume our food, in small amounts, sea salt or Himalayan salt. Even better if we eat sea water to salt dishes.
- We can enhance the flavor of recipes with spices like curry or cayenne, garlic powder, lemon, vinegar, herbs such as oregano, parsley, basil, etc.
- Avoid pre-cooked meals, cured cheeses, chips and canned foods that contain large amounts of salt.
- Besides grapefruit juice and onion broth should also drink every day a half liter of water, separate meals.
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