7 Key Methods to Stop Sleeping While Studying 

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While studying, look for ways to maximise focus and manage time to get good grades in the exams. Here are 12 effective ways how to avoid sleep while studying, curated by experts of best payout casino:

  1. Sit Straight

Leaning up against pillows or on the couch can make you drowsy. Avoid getting too cosy when you study. Laying down gives the brain a signal to rest in contrast to sitting straight, which alerts the brain. The position in which you study matters a lot. Always sit straight when you study for long hours at night.

  1. Do Not Study in the Bedroom

It is best to avoid places you sleep in to study. Also, it is advised to keep luxuries such as leg cushions and pillows at bay when studying as they can make you drowsy. Make a study space in the room, study at a desk, and sit straight on a chair. Also, most students tend to study under a table lamp. It creates a cosy environment and tempts you to sleep in dim surroundings. It is best to study in a bright room, courtesy of best new online casino.

  1. Move Around a Little

As per a study, a 10-minute walk can improve memory and concentration. It also relieves exam stress. Walking pumps oxygen to the brain and muscles. It quickly boosts blood circulation in the body and energises you. Whether you move outside or in the house, it will alert and refresh you. So, take short breaks—either dance, walk, or stretch—do whatever suits you.

  1. Keep Hydrated

As per a study, dehydration can lead to fatigue. It will drain your energy and make cognitive functions like studying difficult. Also, it affects short-term memory, alertness, concentration, and perception. It is best to keep yourself hydrated when studying, especially in summer. Though the amount of water one should have varied, 3-4 litres is a must for every student.

  1. Eat Healthily

Your energy level depends upon what you eat and how you eat. Though you may feel tempted to have junk food, unhealthy snacks, and sugary beverages, they may spike sugar levels. They can also make you sluggish. Also, sugary snacks result in lethargy and mental fog. Instead, you can opt for peanut butter, carrots with low-fat dips, and yoghurt with nuts and fruits. Aim to have a balanced diet and small meals frequently. Each meal should have protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Do not forget to include fruits, nuts, and probiotics. Also, if you overeat, you can doze off, so avoid doing that.

  1. Nap and Get Quality Sleep

As per a study, frequent napping or proper sleep keeps you attentive improves your mood, short-term and long-term memory. All of these improve learning. Also, it reduces the chances of sleeping during studies. It is no surprise that those with irregular sleeping patterns and poor sleep have decreased academic performance.

  1. Stick to A Healthy Diet

Food which is high in fat can make you sleepy and lethargic. To stop yourself from falling asleep during studies, eat a balanced and healthy diet rich in nutrients and fibre such as soups and salads, lentils and a lot of fruits and vegetables.

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