For breakfast we take our time and try to include healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, and not spend a single coffee because it is not enough to give us energy. While there must be in the day at least three main meals, breakfast is the greatest influence in our lives because it is one with which we started the day.
For many years, nutritionists have insisted on giving a special place, because this will bring carbohydrate, protein, healthy fats and other high-energy nutrients.
In addition, if we choose the right foods, we prolong the feeling of satiety and reduce the chances overdo it with the daily number of calories. Of course, everything depends on metabolism, in tolerances and nutritional needs of each. However, in general there are a number of mistakes that some people make every day without knowing that they are ruining their diets.

1. Omit to save calories
Unfortunately, many people still believe in the myth that skipping breakfast can save calories to prevent weight gain. This thought is quite common, especially because some of the popular “miracle diets” recommend. The thing is that this is totally false, since in reality is a trigger to take in more calories in later times.
The body needs to be recharged every morning to have a good physical and mental performance, and to feel satiated. By denying high quality nutrients all we do is because feelings of fatigue and uncontrollable desire to eat in story have the opportunity.
2. It is very rich in carbohydrates
From the 50s and 60s when the food industry and pastries began to dominate the market, cookies, bread and cereals they became the “kings” breakfast. Advertising and quick option and “nutritious” food made hundreds of people replaced other healthier by these foods.
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That tradition has spread throughout these decades and, today, many still believe that these products rich in sugars and carbohydrates are a healthy choice. The truth is that they are not as good as the paint and also to provide more than the recommended amount of carbohydrates, do not meet the nutritional requirements of the body.
3. It is too light
Although not every day need to ingest a food loaded with antioxidants, fiber and protein, ideally it so most of the time. The downside is that millions of people ignore this and leave every day by eating just a coffee house with a couple of biscuits.
Although at first it can control hunger, their nutrients are not sufficient to put to work as the body. In fact, many health and nutrition professionals agree in saying that breakfast should be consumed about 500 calories, i.e. 25% of daily energy required by the body. However, in the case of people who are trying to lose weight, 350 calories it is ideal.
4. Take it too late
A common mistake is to let more than an hour after waking up to eat this first meal. It is essential to take it before, because just get up the body requires energy to perform each of the physical activities brain and hormonal.
Not soon meet the nutritional needs required the production of stomach acid increases and can lead to having discomfort. It also increases the risk of lowering levels of blood sugar too, and dizziness and difficulty concentrating.
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5. Do not include fruits and vegetables
Breakfast time is one of the best times to benefit the body with all the nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables. Its consumption is mainly because they are the largest source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutritional substances that support the functions of the body. Where possible should be eaten raw, either in a salad or blended into a natural juice or smoothie.
6. Eat fast
Breakfast may contain all the nutritional groups that are required to start the day in the best way. However, when consumed with desire, they not usually chewed well and tend to cause problems in the digestive system.
It is essential to invest at least 20 minutes to ingest, besides doing it in a quiet place without distractions. You identify any of these errors? If so, you’d better start correcting for anything stop you from harness the benefits of a good breakfast.
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