In addition to having antioxidant properties, this can count on an astringent tonic and restorative that allows us to keep your face free of blemishes on the skin without being aggressive.
In addition to aesthetics, the care of the skin has become a necessity for almost every person because of the negative impact of free radicals, the sun’s UV rays and many other factors to which it is impossible not to be exposed.
To repair dead cells and tissues that compose them, the cosmetics industry has created thousands of beauty products that nourish and moisturize the skin and at the same time protect it.

However, for those who feel more secure in using natural products, it is important to note that there are some environmentally friendly alternatives that can be prepared with simple recipes and obtain products particularly benefits and low cost.
In this sense, we want to share a recipe for a very special ally of beauty, whose antioxidant properties help prevent premature aging and at the same time diminish the presence of wrinkles, burns and scars.
Tonic antioxidant with apple cider vinegar and green tea
Tonics are very popular products that have to do with skin care, because they act as refreshing and pH regulators to allow us to show off a cute delicate and beautiful.
In this case, you can prepare it at home using natural ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and green tea, which can rely on antioxidant properties that inhibit oxidative damage to maintain healthy skin cells.
Of course, just like the other formulas of this type, it has an astringent and repairing that can be very useful to keep your face free of imperfections.
Concretely, the daily use of this natural recipe can provide the following benefits for the care of the face:
Anti-inflammatory action
This tonic is perfect for people with skin prone to inflammation and stains. Antioxidants participate actively with anti-inflammatory agents in order to control both of these conditions.
For example, the alpha participates in the process of disinflammation skin and improves circulation to oxygenate properly.
As a result, after some time, you will notice a reduction of the spots in the face and a lower risk of suffering from disorders of all kinds.
Firms and tones
More skin ages, most it is losing elasticity due to the decrease of collegene and elastin.
This product can count on a firming effect that can act effectively to stretch the skin and make it look a few years younger.
Fights scars
The scars are visible signs that remain after suffering some injury. Since many of them are considered unsightly, it is important to try to minimize them by taking advantage of the properties of these ingredients.
Antioxidants stimulate blood circulation, helping to repair tissue scarring and decreasing their visibility.
Treat sunburn
The sun’s UV rays are the main cause of the cellular damage of the skin, which results in deterioration in the presence of spots, wrinkles and other changes that impact negatively on our beauty.
This tonic rich in nutrients and repair agents is great for treating sunburn and accelerate recovery.
Recipe for a draw at home tonic antioxidant
The preparation of this tonic natural antioxidant is very simple and does not require a large financial investment.
The ingredients used are very common and, in fact, some might already have in your pantry.
- 1 cup of water (250 ml)
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar organic (30 ml)
- 2 green tea bags
- 3 drops of chamomile essential oil
- Boil a cup of water, add two green tea bags and let stand for at least half an hour.
- Next, add the three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and about three drops of chamomile essential oil.
- Pour into a glass container and stored in a cool place.
How to use
- First make sure you clean your face thoroughly to remove all traces of makeup.
- Next, roll out the mixture using cotton balls and let the skin absorb it.
- No need to rinse.
- Repeat the application every night before going to sleep.
- There is no limit of use; you may be ready to become a part of your daily beauty routine.
Finally, keep in mind that, being a natural product, its effects on the skin will be more delicate and results may take more time to be visible.
The important thing is not to stop applying the remedy, so that all the properties to act effectively to obtain the desired benefits.
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