A greenhouse can help you as a gardener to grow more plants and to take better care of your plants. Whether you want to grow flowers from seed, or you want a greenhouse full of tomatoes, a greenhouse can provide you with a safe space to grow plants that need to be protected from the harsher weather, and also to be able to grow plants all year round.

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If you are planning to build a greenhouse in your garden, before you do anything else you need to make sure that you choose the right location for it. The location of a greenhouse can make a huge difference between the plants that are in there doing well and not doing well at all.

Firstly, you need to make sure that there is plenty of light. If you put the greenhouse in the shade, such as under trees you are not going to get as much light in there as you need which will affect the growth of the plants and make it cooler.

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East to west is the best configuration for a greenhouse if you have a choice, as this follows the path of the sun and ensures that even in the winter you will get the maximum amount of sunlight there.

The base is also something to think about – most people opt for a concrete base which is strong and hard wearing. You can get concrete from somewhere like this concrete Cheltenham based company https://www.monstermixconcrete.co.uk/concrete-cheltenham/

Make sure the ground is flat not sloped and also make sure that it is not at the bottom of a slope as it could be vulnerable to frost.

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