With the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings coming on the 6th of June, people of the Rippon Community Poppy Project have made a special effort to mark the occasion. A life-sized army tank has been created using knitting and will be on display for all to see. Let’s take a closer look at what went into making this special tribute, and why it is important.
Remembering the D-Day Landings

On the 6th of June 1944, Allied forces were stranded on the beaches with nowhere to go. With the German army close by, it was essential that every effort be made to rescue soldiers. Allied forces used 5,000 boats, including small non-military vessels, to land over 150,000 troops on the beaches of Normandy.

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According to the Imperial War Museum, it was the largest cooperation of land, sea and air assaults in history. During the landings, many soldiers lost their lives, yet many were saved because of their efforts.

The Rippon Knitting Volunteers

Volunteers in Rippon spent nine months creating an amazing knitted tribute to commemorate the D-Day landings, a replica Churchill AVRE tank that measures a staggering 24 feet in length and over seven feet in height. Everyone with a knitting kit got busy, using army green wool to knit squares that were sewn together to form the tank. There’s even a knitted soldier with a helmet standing looking out from the hatch.

Commemorating D-Day

If you are feeling in a creative mood, why not dig out your knitting kit and make your own tribute to the brave soldiers involved in the D-Day landings? Choose military colours, or colours from our nation’s flag, and see what you can create to honour the significance of this occasion. Wool and knitting needles are widely available, or you could try a knitting kit from Wool Couture.

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Whether you plan to visit Rippon to see the knitted army tank or prefer to mark the occasion in your own way, let’s all use the opportunity to appreciate the bravery and sacrifices people made on this day and throughout World War Two.

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