Mental health illnesses include disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, depression and eating disorders. Mental health illnesses affect a person’s behaviour, mood and thinking patterns. Sometimes the impact is so great that a person cannot function or cope with everyday life.

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In England, 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health problem each year. 1 in 6 people report that they suffer from weekly episodes of common mental health issues such as anxiety and feelings of depression.

Signs and Symptoms

Feelings of sadness, depression, or hopelessness.

Excessive alcohol or drug use (either prescribed medications or illegal drugs).

The occurrence of delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, or a detachment from reality.

Sleep issues, such as insomnia or sleeping too much.

A disordered way of eating or managing a relationship with foods.

Extreme shifts in mood patterns, either feeling extreme highs or extreme lows.

Withdrawal from socialising and distancing from friends, family members and other relationships.

Suicidal thoughts or tendencies. In this case, immediate professional medical help should be sought.


Completing training to increase knowledge surrounding mental health issues allows people working in caring professions to be better equipped to support and understand their clients. These courses are useful for anyone who works alongside adults or children.

Training options include mental health awareness, mental health first aid, eating disorders awareness and psychological first aid, amongst many more. These courses can help professionals be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues, as well as how they can best support clients and signpost or refer them onto services that can assist.

For further details and information on mental health training courses Blackpool and the surrounding areas, visit a specialist training provider such as

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When a mental health problem is causing interference with the demands of everyday life, or in school, work and relationships, advice from a medical professional should always be sought. With the right combination of treatments, it may be possible to control or eliminate symptoms. Treatments could include counselling, talk therapies, medications or lifestyle changes.

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