Most of us eat for the love of food, but we are also conscious of what we should eat in a day to maintain a balanced diet. Although it can be harder to make a nutritious feast when at work, lunch is a vital meal because you need to stay energised and alert whilst completing your tasks. What are the best snacks to take to the office to help you stay productive to eat alongside a healthy lunch? Let’s take a look.

Benefit from the boost

The term ‘snacking’ can have negative connotations, but it is good for humans to eat little and often to aid steady metabolism. That said, snacking should be well-balanced, so you should familiarise yourself with foods that boost energy and those that make you mentally crash.

Boosters consist of nuts, whole grains, yoghurt, and fresh fruit, while high up on the crashers list are crisps, fizzy drinks, and sugary snacks.

Did you know that even just a handful of nuts is packed with protein and that healthy snacks can lead to improved brain function and memory all day? Meanwhile, yoghurt contains probiotics that help mental clarity and wholegrains will keep your blood sugar at an optimum level to help you achieve better focus.

If you don’t have the brain capacity during your busy working week to think about shopping for snacks, office lunch catering providers such as deliver a whole range of healthy snacks right to your desk.

Snacks to help you stay focused at work

As previously mentioned, nuts are great to snack on during your working day, with almonds and walnuts being two of the best sources of nutrients. Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, while almonds have high levels of magnesium.

When it comes to fruit, bananas, blueberries, and avocados are some of the best you can eat. You might be surprised to hear that even dark chocolate has been given the green flag, containing heaps of antioxidants and helping to reduce stress.

What snacks will you pack in your lunchbox tomorrow?

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