The symptoms that indicate depression in an adolescent

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Some signals help us understand when a teen is going through a period of depression; identify them allows us to intervene immediately and prevent its malaise worse.

Adolescence is a milestone in the life of a human leg which defines the personality and lives the emotional and physical experiences that give way to maturity.

Healthy Living
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Although it is inevitable to live some difficult moments during this period, some behaviors are atypical and can hide more serious psychological problems such as depression.

According to official data of the World Health Organization, worldwide there are 350 million people suffer from depression, which affects mostly young people between 10 and 19 years of age.

What most worries experts is that depression has become one of the main reasons of disability in adolescents and the third leading cause of suicide.

For this reason, the ‘ National Association of School Psychologists  American has indicated, for this disorder, a list of the most common symptoms among the teenage population, warning that it is very important to detect them in time .

  1. Sleep disorders

If a guy cannot sleep well or otherwise passes every day too much time in bed, it may mean that there is something wrong.

Changes in sleep habits and the difficulties that this entails in the day have a physical symptom of depression.

  1. Eating disorders

All extreme changes in eating habits have negative consequences or severe and usually go hand in hand with depression.

Eating too much or too little is a clear sign of a psychological or emotional problem that can escalate into serious diseases such as anorexia or bulimia.

  1. Loss of interest in things that you loved to do

It is normal to a certain age the way to pass the time and have fun undergoes a change . Become atypical, however, when the teenager suddenly loses enthusiasm for something that previously loved to do, especially if you prefer to be alone.

  1. Irritability or sadness unmotivated

There are common situations in the lives of adolescents that can trigger strong emotions such as anger and tears. When the crisis is temporary and is justified by something that “went wrong”, it is normal. We must monitor the negative emotions that become a daily habit, and worse when you try to pull them in good spirits.

  1. Criticism negative addressed to themselves

In different stages of life and for a variety of reasons, adolescents may have a tendency of acting against their self-esteem or to have it under your shoes. It becomes a problem when they can no longer control this tendency, when the negative comments towards you increase or become chronic and self-destructive.

This symptom requires immediate attention because it can lead to serious consequences, physically and emotionally.

  1. Neglect of social ties

This is a pretty clear symptom of adolescent depression. Typically, the depressed boy avoids making new friends, withdraw from friends and prefers to be alone most of the time.

  1. Trouble concentrating

Because of difficulty sleeping well and the stress that accompanies depression, adolescents have serious trouble staying focused, making decisions or remembering things. All this is reflected in their academic performance.

  1. Violent behavior

When it begins to be involved in acts of violence, school bullying or other aggressive behavior, the teen could live a depressive state that tries to conceal by such behavior.

This also includes risky sexual behavior or the increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

  1. Suicidal thoughts

This, no doubt is the ultimate proof that in the mind of the adolescent is going through something very serious. Most of these thoughts are focused on the desire to die or the lack of a reason to go on living, expressed with phrases such as “I want to die” or “My life has no meaning.”

In severe cases can lead to suicide attempts or self-harm taxation, such as cuts or bumps.

  1. Escape from home

Typically the teenager runs away from home when problems within the family does not feel accepted or is going through a difficult period in the relationship with one of the family members.

Care must be taken: some guys having made that decision, they can run on the board of malicious persons or move towards a bad road.

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