Tips For Planning A Teenage Birthday Party

Estimated read time 2 min read

Many parents remember how easy it was to throw a party for their kids when they were small. All you had to do was invite a few friends and family members over to dote over them and give them cake a presents to make them happy. Now you have a teenager and they seem to want a party for the ages with half the school invited. While it may seem stressful, you can surely plan a party for your teen that they will love. It just takes a little extra planning and due diligence.

Prep Work

When you first sit down to plan the party with your teenager, be sure to establish the ground rules. Let them know what is expected and how much you are willing to spend. You should also discuss with them the amount of guests they are allowed to invite and what the party times will be.


If you don’t have a big home or yard to throw a party, you should consider having it somewhere else such as a park, a community center or your church’s multi-purpose room. If you are using your own backyard, have your teen work with you to set it up. You can have games and snack tables ready to go before the party begins.


In order to keep the teenagers happy, they will need plenty of food, drinks, music and games. If you have it in the budget, consider hiring a local DJ for your teen’s party. This can be a great option to keep the party lively and fun. Also, you should have plenty of games for them to enjoy such as an official cornhole game you can purchase from


When dealing with teenagers, they can oftentimes get out of hand when they are together at parties. To help, you should recruit some other parents to help chaperone the party. Most parents will have no issues with helping out to ensure the safety of the kids.

Because you love your teen, you want to make sure they really enjoy their party. Include them in as much of the party planning details as they would like. Work together and compromise on the details and you will be sure to have a great party where they will make memories to last a lifetime.

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