Retirement from work is a big life change, and as this time approaches it is wise to start planning for it. Planning your retirement helps you to be in control and get the most out of it, and you can also ensure that you do all the things that you want to do now that you have more free time!

Here are some things that people plan for when they are approaching retirement age…

Plan your Holidays – One of the most popular plans for retirement are holidays! Now that you are no longer working, you are free to go on holiday when you want. If you have been dreaming of taking a long holiday, or there are lots of places in the world that you want to see, this is a great opportunity now to start making those plans and getting holidays booked!

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Decide Where you Would Like to Live – Something that lots of people seek to change when they retire is where they live.  Because your lifestyle will change, as well as what your needs and priorities are, it makes sense to live somewhere that aligns with this change.

It might be that you want a place that suits you as you get older like these Gloucestershire Park homes or it might be that there is a place that you have always dreamed of living and now you have the opportunity to do so!

Join a Club – If you want to learn new skills, spend more time doing a hobby, and make new friends who share a similar interest to you, joining a club is a great idea! It might be sports based, you might want to learn more about certain topics, or you might enjoy arts and crafts activities. Have a look at clubs that you think you will enjoy.

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Do Charity Work – If you are someone who gets bored of the same old things and wants to give back to the community or have a cause that you are passionate about, charity work is a great thing to get involved in. If you want to keep busy and active whilst doing good in the world there are lots of ways that you can help charities. It might be that you can offer some time to work in a charity shop for example, or there may be community projects that you can get involved in.

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